You are invited to Farm the City!
Rooftop Republic is pleased to announce that we are hosting the Farm the City event on the topic of integrating urban agriculture into city design this coming November 19th.
This virtual event will bring together experts, practitioners and stakeholders in the area of architecture, ESG and sustainability initiatives, green financing and urban agriculture onto the same platform to explore the potential of urban farming to address the challenges brought about by climate change, rapid urbanisation and an urgency to rethink our food system.
Event Details:
Date: Friday 19th November 2021
Time: 4.00pm - 6.00pm Hong Kong Time
Language: English
This event is free but registration is required to reserve your spot.
Key topics covered include:
Keynote speaker Pranisa Boonkham, Assistant Professor in Landscape Architecture at Thammasat University, will share her experience and stories of success of working with different stakeholders and parties in implementing the urban farming project at Thammasat University and how it addresses region-specific climate related issues.
Keynote speaker Stefano Tronci will be sharing the opportunities and possibilities of designing sustainable and regenerative cities, and his experience in working with various stakeholders in the implementation of urban agriculture into the Funan Mall in Singapore.
The panel discussion that follows aims to engage our speakers in discussing the role urban farming plays in fulfilling key sustainability objectives, such as green building certifications and ESG targets, and address how the architecture, real estate, agriculture and sustainability sectors work together to define the city of the future, taking into consideration wellbeing, biophilic design, and to empower urban areas to become agents of change towards a more sustainable future.
Why "Farm the City"?
With 70% of the world population projected to be living in urban cities by 2050, taking action towards integrating agriculture into architecture is more important now than ever. While the appreciation of open-air rooftop farms and interest in growing one’s own food are on the rise, the predominantly underutilised farmable urban space in Hong Kong alone indicates a burgeoning opportunity to create an urban environment that fulfils the environmental, social and economic needs of the cities of the future.
Speakers / Panelists
Replay Now Available!
Should you wish to view the discussion again, this digital event is now available on-demand.
A Chance to Check out Our Farms!
In addition to participating at the event, attendees will have the opportunity to schedule a visit at Rooftop Republic’s rooftop farms.
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This Year's Recap
Farm the City 2021 was held virtually on the topic of integrating urban agriculture into city design on November 19th. The main vision of the event was to bring together experts, practitioners and stakeholders in the area of architecture, ESG and sustainability initiatives, green financing and urban agriculture, from Bangkok, Singapore and Hong Kong onto the same platform to explore the potential of urban farming to address the challenges brought about by climate change, rapid urbanisation and an urgency to rethink our food system.
The turn-out of the event was wonderful, and we had a total of 280 registrations from 25 countries representing the Real Estate, Banking, Urban Planning, Architecture & Design, NGOs and Urban Farming industries.
Our speakers have shared their insights on urban farming’s role in building sustainable cities and communities while understanding the current challenges the sector faces to actualise its full potential.